Kern County, CA
Home Public Health MenuChild Health & Disability Prevention Program
What is Child Health and Disability Prevention?
Every local health department in California has a Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) program that administers the program. The local CHDP program is responsible for provider recruitment, outreach to families with eligible children, community education, care coordination, provide support and education to comply with established CHDP program laws and regulations and maintain up-to-date resource materials related to the provision of CHDP services according to program standards.
The local CHDP staff recruits and certifies CHDP Medical Providers. All CHDP health assessment providers are required to maintain current CHDP enrollment in each county or local jurisdiction in which they render services. In Addition, they must follow CHDP program laws, regulations, guidelines, policies and procedures, as outlined in their CHDP provider agreement.
Who is eligible for CHDP?
CHDP services are for eligible low income children from birth to 19 years and children on Medi-Cal from birth to 21 years. CHDP offers periodic preventive health assessments and services available to eligible children who appear well and also to children with existing health problems. Children identified with suspected problems after a health assessment are referred for necessary diagnosis and treatment. The local CHDP program will assist families in obtaining diagnostic and treatment services for medical, dental, and mental health problems identified during the health assessment.
Providers & Partners
The local CHDP staff recruits and certifies CHDP medical providers. All CHDP health assessment providers are required to maintain current CHDP enrollment in each county or local jurisdiction in which they render services. In addition, they must follow CHDP program laws, regulations, guidelines, policies and procedures, as outlined in their CHDP provider agreement.
The CHDP is a preventive program that delivers periodic health assessments and services to low income children and youth in California. CHDP provides care coordination to assist families with medical appointment scheduling, transportation, and access to diagnostic and treatment services. health assessments are provided by enrolled private physicians, local health departments, community clinics, managed care plans and some local school districts.
Audiometric and Vision Screening Certification
Kern County CHDP Audiometric and Vision Screening Certification may be completed online. A password is required to access the two links below. For more information and to receive your password please contact Cassandra Mulder at 661-868-0427 or by email at
Care Coordination
On July 1, 2017 Fee-for-Service (FFS) CHDP Providers were required to discontinue the use of the PM 160 reporting form. The PM 160 form was replaced with the CMS 1500, UB-04, or the electronic 837P. These forms do not permit the recording of sufficient health information to enable the local CHDP program to provide follow up assistance to children receiving fee-for-service (FFS) well child health assessments. As specified by Health and Safety Code 124010(a)(4) local CHDP Programs and CHDP Providers remain responsible for “referral for diagnosis or treatment when needed” and for the “methods for assuring referral is carried out” for the fee-for-service (FFS) population. The local CHDP Program will continue to ensure that the FFS children receive needed follow up care.
CHDP Fee-for-Service (FFS) Children and Youth
To ensure a referral for follow up is carried out, CHDP Providers are mandated to report FFS children needing follow up from the health assessment to the local program. To facilitate CHDP follow up, a new form has been developed for use by CHDP Providers and the local county CHDP Program. Enclosed is the CHDP Care Coordination/Follow up Form and directions for completion. This form replaces the referral for follow up function of the PM 160. In addition, all children one year of age and older are to be referred to the dentist annually.
All FQHCs and School Based Programs will continue to report on the PM160 Information Only form directly to Medi-Cal until further notice.
Foster Care Children and Youth
Fee-for-Service (FFS) CHDP Providers, MCP Providers, Dental Providers and other specialty health care providers who deliver care to foster children are mandated to provide the health information to the Foster Care PHN. This information is required to be submitted on the HPCPFC Foster Care Medical/Specialty Care Contact Form.
CHDP Medical Providers
Vision Providers
School Entry Health Exam Requirement
CHDP works with schools to meet the requirement of having a completed health assessment 18 months before or up to 90 days after enrolling in first grade. The CHDP program assists families to meet the requirement by linking families with CHDP providers to obtain health assessments. The certificate "Report of Health Examination for School Entry" (PM160 171A) is available through the local CHDP program, schools, provider offices and the school entry packet.
- Health Requirements for Kindergarten/First Grade School Entry
- Health Requirements for Kindergarten/First Grade School Entry - Spanish
- Guide to IMMS Pre-K
- Guide to IMMS K-12th Grade
- PM171a(bi) - Report of Health Examination for School Entry
- Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment (KOHA) Form
- Kindergarten Oral Health Notification Letter (English)
- Kindergarten Oral Health Notification Letter (Translations)
Childhood Obesity Prevention
Counseling the Overweight Child
This training is designed for local CHDP program staff to use when training CHDP providers and provider staff. The goal of the training is explained in the Training Cover Letter. A sample PowerPoint presentation and training materials are provided to facilitate and standardize CHDP provider training. The PowerPoint Presentation can be customized with county PedNSS data. The Counseling Tools are key health education tools that fit with existing CHDP childhood obesity tools; they are available in English and Spanish. The training packet is intended to include all of the following materials but it may be customized to meet the needs of interested providers.
- Counseling the Overweight Child
- CHDP Information Notice 09-D Counseling the Overweight Child
- Using Body Mass Index-for-Age Growth Charts for the CHDP Well-Child Exam
- Obesity in California: The Weight of the State 2000-2014
- CSUB - Significance of Obesity
- ReThink Your Drink
CHDP Publications and Resources
Growing Up Healthy (GUH) brochures are anticipatory guidance tools providers can share with parents and patients. The information is age specific for each recommended periodicity screening.
- Growing Up Healthy (GUH) 2011 (English)
- Growing Up Healthy (GUH) 2011 (Spanish)
State sponsored publications for CHDP providers and patients including: brochures, directories, guides, manuals, procedures, forms, letters, and reports.
Drowning Prevention
- CHDP Provider Letter
- May - Governor Drowning Prevention 2021
- English poster Drowning Prevention
- Spanish poster Drowning Prevention
- Kern County 2018 Child Death Review Team (
Oral Health Resources
- California Dental Association
- Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center
- University of San Francisco Oral Health Support
- Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment (KOHA) Resources Tool Kit
- Poster - What is the Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment Form? (English)
- Poster - What is the Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment Form? (Spanish)
- Denti-Cal Providers - Bakersfield
- Denti-Cal Providers - Kern County Outlying Areas