Tract Maps
While the Department strives to maintain the most current version of these images at this site, no guarantee is made as to the completeness of the information shown on these images.
If you find what you believe is an error, please call 661-862-5100 or email us at and let us know.
To download the images: From the sections below, click on the the range of numbers that your Tract Map number is in. Then select your Tract Map number to download.
Image Properties
Tract Maps are named with a leading “T” (for Tract Map) followed by a 5 digit number representing the desired Tract Map Number. For maps with more than 1 sheet, this is followed by a “-” and a 2 digit sheet number (Example: T05195B06.TIF would be for Tract 5195, Unit 2, sheet 6.)
Special Cases: For revised or amended maps the “-” is replaced with an “R.” For phased maps the “-” is replaced with a letter (A, B, C, etc.) indicating the phase of the map. Letters are used even if the phases are numbered.
Most file sizes vary from 40 KB to 470 KB, with a small percentage > 1 MB.
Please Note: There are many Tracts which have not yet been scanned. They will be added to the available files, below, as soon as time and staffing levels permit.